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Notice of Privacy

CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V., with address located at Carretera Internacional Kilómetro 1192 to the South, with Postal Code 82180, in the City of Mazatlán Sinaloa. Our R.F.C. is: CMA8112148P3; We are a company dedicated to producing, distributing and marketing coffee and food products in general of the highest quality to obtain maximum satisfaction from our customers, involving all our staff in the search for excellence in quality control. Likewise seeking personal development and recognizing our responsibility towards our community and the environment, we therefore recognize the importance of legitimate, controlled and informed processing of your personal data and we make this Privacy Notice available to you, in order to that you are aware of their practices when obtaining, using, storing and, in general, processing your personal data, in accordance with the FEDERAL LAW ON PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA IN POSSESSION OF INDIVIDUALS and its respective REGULATIONS.

The Privacy Policy Department of CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V. is responsible for the processing of your personal data.

How to contact us?

Our Address: International Highway Km. 1192 to the South, with C.P. 82180, in the City of Mazatlán Sinaloa.

Email: mercado@cafemarino.com.mx

Telephone: (669) 9801878 and (669) 9801879

You can browse our website without providing personal data, however, there are certain sections within it where you can voluntarily provide your data. Your data may be collected in different situations, for example to fill out an online job application, as well as when you send us an email.

For what purpose we collect and use your personal data?

1. Provide services and products required by you.

2. Sending information, magazines, news, communications or advertising from CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V.,

3. Inform about changes or new services related to those contracted or acquired by the client.

4. Respond to a request or information for services.

5. Recruitment and/or Selection of Employees or Job Applicants, Suppliers and Service Providers.

6. Enter into various contracts and agreements with Employees, Suppliers, Service Providers and third parties in general.

7. Comply with contractual obligations.

8. Establish contact with whoever requests it.

9. Prepare the invoices that cover the contracted services,

10. Send Quotes and budgets,

11. Identify you as a client and/or supplier of CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V.,

12. To carry out all the necessary internal procedures related to the current commercial relationship.

13. For the administration and general management of CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V., with the objective of carrying out the provision of services.

14. Sending notifications regarding changes to this Privacy Notice.

15. Measure satisfaction with our services.

What personal data do we obtain and from where?

For the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Notice CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V., can obtain your personal data in different ways, such as:

- Identification data: name, address, landline and/or mobile phone number, fax, email in some special cases.

- Employment data: position, address, email, landline or mobile telephone number and fax, educational level, marital status, sex, work experience.

- Billing information: entity to which the charge will be made, tax address, RFC.

- Financial data: bank account information, payment method.

- Data of the Company it represents: name, company name, RFC, tax address.

For the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, we may collect your personal data in the following ways:

1. When the information is provided directly by you.

2. When you visit our website: www.cafemarino.com.mx

3. When using the services offered online by CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V.

Our website may contain, for your convenience, links to other websites. CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V. has not reviewed the Privacy Notices of said websites, so it does not guarantee nor is responsible for the content on such sites. We invite you to carefully read the Privacy Notice of each of the sites you visit on the Internet.

Please also note that when you click on social media icons or similar, your information will be automatically transmitted to these sites. For example, the “Like” button on Facebook transmits information directly to this company.

Limitation of use and disclosure of personal data.

In order to limit the use of your personal data, please send an email to mercado@cafemarino.com.mx or a written notification addressed to the PRIVACY POLICY DEPARTMENT, at the address specified in the Where to contact us section? of this Notice.

How to access or rectify your personal data or cancel or oppose its use? As the owner of personal data, you can exercise before the Personal Data Controller of CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V., the rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (“ARCO” rights). Likewise, you can revoke, at any time, the consent that you have granted and that is necessary for the processing of your data, as well as limit the use or disclosure of the same.

The above, by sending your request in the terms established by the Law to the email: mercado@cafemarino.com.mx or to the address specified in the Where to contact us section? of this Notice.

For your easy reference, ARCO rights are briefly described:

- Access.- to be informed which of your personal data is contained in the databases of CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V., what said personal data is used for, the origin and communications that have been made with it and, in general, the conditions and generalities of the treatment.

- Rectification.- that your personal data be corrected or updated if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

- Cancellation.- that your personal data be deleted, totally or partially, from the databases of CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V., when it considers that they are not being treated in accordance with the principles and duties established by the Law.

- Opposition.- oppose the processing of your personal data for legitimate reasons.

If you wish to know the requirements and procedures for the exercise of ARCO rights, we ask you to contact the Personal Data Manager of CAFÉ EL MARINO S.A. DE C.V. 

About cookies and tracking technologies

When you browse our website, certain non-personal information is collected through “cookies” and “server logs” or “web beacons”. This information is obtained through the simple use and interaction with our website and the information collected may consist of Internet Protocol addresses, your operating system, browser type, information about your location (provided by mobile devices ) and the route you follow during the time you spend on our site.

This data is collected solely for the following purposes: to generate statistics regarding visits to our website, the time spent on it, and referral sites that may have brought you to ours. This information is also used to maintain and update user profiles and to customize or personalize the information provided hereby.

It is possible to disable these tracking technologies in all types of search engines; However, disabling or blocking these mechanisms may cause our site to not function properly. To learn more about the subject, consult http://www.allaboutcookies.org/es/

Can your data travel to another country or be shared with others?

In no way will we share or disclose the information that you provide us with any person or company, except for the exceptions provided for by article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as carry out this transfer under the terms established. said law.

Modifications to the privacy notice

We reserve the right to make any modification or update to this privacy notice to address legislative developments or internal policies, at any time. Notification of the modifications will be made via email and will be directed to the addresses that you have provided us; If you do not have an email address, it will be published in the same way on the Firm's page in the Privacy Notice section.

To whom can you submit your complaints and complaints regarding the improper processing of your personal data?

If you consider that your right to the protection of personal data has been violated in any way by the staff of our Firm, attention or responses, in relation to the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, you may file a complaint before the IFAI (www.ifai.org.mx)